Woven & Knitted Garments

Woven Garments

Vstitch provides an extensive selection of woven fabrics, including cotton, linen, wool, and silk, among others, with different weights, weaves, and textures to meet diverse design requirements. Our proficiency in clothing production enables us to assist you in selecting the ideal fabric for your designs, whether it’s for function or aesthetics. We have extensive fabric sourcing capabilities that allow us to locate top-quality materials at reasonable prices, providing our clients with excellent value for their investment. At Vstitch, we strive to provide our clients with exceptional quality and service, ensuring that their vision is translated into a successful clothing line.

Knitted Garments

Knitted fabrics have become increasingly popular in the fashion industry due to their versatility and unique texture. They can be used to create clothing items such as dresses, jackets, leggings, athletic tops, compression garments and shirts. Knitted fabric clothing is lightweight and comfortable to wear, making it a popular choice for summer wear. In addition to clothing, Knitted fabrics are also used in other fashion accessories such as bags, hats and more. Vstitch offers a range of Knitted fabric products and can customize them to meet your specific needs and help you out in your clothing venture.

High Quality

We take pride in offering only the highest quality fabrics for our clients.We ensure that our fabrics are durable, comfortable, and long-lasting. You can trust us to provide you with the best quality fabric that will make your garments stand out in the market.


Value for money

We understand the importance of providing our clients with high-quality products and services that meet their needs and budget. We strive to provide value for money by offering competitive pricing without compromising on the quality of our materials or production processes.


Low order Quantity

If you’re just starting out, we believe that you deserve the same level of quality and attention to detail as larger companies. That’s why we’re proud to offer low order quantities, because we understand that your dreams are just as important as anyone else’s.

Woven Garments

Our woven Garments are the perfect choice for your next project. With our commitment to quality, attention to detail, and competitive pricing, Vstitch is the ideal partner for all your woven fabric needs.

Knitted Garments

Knitted garments has become a popular choice in clothing manufacturing due to its lightweight and breathable nature. It is a cost-effective alternative to traditional woven fabrics.
Hoodies, T shirts, Polo Shirts, Sweatshirts, Sweaters, Jerseys